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- Do you like the henna designs? How would you describe the Henna designs? Use 2 or 3 adjectives.
The henna designs is nice and used for using arms and legs.
The henna design looks very nice and beautyful and it has the good look.
2. Complete the PMI for having your arms and feet decorated with henna.
Henna has a nice colour to decorate the arms and feet to show how light it is.
3. Why give a warning about hair dye on skin?
Using black hair dye will not be good for the skin at night.
Never use black hair dye for arms and legs.
4. Why do you think henna decoration has become so popular?
Because the henna design has so much in common and the colour has brown and black to make the colour change.
5. List the steps required when creating a henna decoration.
There was dramatic
6. Explain why the title of this story is so clear. Give this story another title and say why you chose that title.
I chose this story because it can give you some interesting vocabs and it can also give some interesting word.
7.Make up your own henna design for either your feet or your hands.Draw the outline black and the inside orange/red.
Henna is design can either for your feet or for your arms but
8. What are the traditional reasons for henna decorations.
9. “ From the bushes the leaves are harvested, dried and then turned into powder.” How do you think they harvest it?
10. Find out about the healing and spiritual properties of henna.
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